Hexanome Mac OS

  1. Hexanone Mac Os Catalina
  2. Hexanone Mac Os Download
  3. Hexanone Mac Os X
  4. Hexanone Mac Os Sierra

All non-tutorial levels solved using minimum moves (or better). Also how to unlock the “Get Distracted” achievement.

Package 1

All non-tutorial levels solved using minimum moves (or better). Also how to unlock the “Get Distracted” achievement. Up-left, up-left, up, cleanup. Classics › Hexanome. Developer: Abdullah Firat (7): Price: $ 2.99 Rating: 0: Reviews: Write a Review. 🎮 Hexanome is a sequel for previous game Hexa Turn! It's a turn-based puzzle game which you need to collect all squares while AI tries to stop you.

Level 1.3

  1. Hexanome is a sequel to previous game Hexa Turn. After breaking the triangle's solution with Hexa Turn, this time you will need solutions and AI tries stop you. Hexanome features:. Clever puzzle.
  2. Hexanome is a turn-based puzzle game. After breaking triangle's solution on Hexa Turn, its time to empathize with the triangle. Collect all squares while AI tries to block your way.

up-left, up-left, up, cleanup

Level 1.4

up, up-right, up (pellet), cleanup

Level 1.5

up, up-side towards where both tiles are still open, down-side to the open tile, cleanup

Level 1.6

up, up, up-right, up, cleanup

Level 1.7

up-right, up-right (pellet), down, down-left, cleanup

Level 1.8 (1 under par)

all the way down (pellet), all the way up (pellet), cleanup

(You will finish with 17/18 moves)

Level 1.9

up, down, all the way up

Level 1.10

up, use double move to squeeze into the still open side, up-side (pellet), down-side, then move diagonally up to the switch, then down into the double move to clean up

Level 1.11

up, up, up-side towards the open side twice (pellet), back to the switch, use the double move for cleanup

Level 1.12

up-right, up right (pellet)

down-left, down, down, down-left (pellet)

up-right, up, up to the switch, then use the double move for cleanup

Level 1.13

left: up

right: up

left: up, up (pellet), down, down

right: cleanup

Level 1.14

left: up, up

right: up, up

left: up-left, up-left (pellet), down-right, down-right

right: up-right, up-right (pellet), down-left, up-left

left: down-right

right: cleanup

Level 1.15

top: down, down

bottom: up

top: up, up

bottom: up

top: up

bottom: up, up

top: cleanup

Level 1.16

middle: up

left. up

middle: up, up (pellet), down 3x

left: up

Hexanone Mac Os Catalina

right: up

left: up, up (pellet)

right: up

middle: down

right: cleanup

Level 1.17

middle: down-right, down-right

right: up, up

left: down, down-left

cleanup with all three

Level 1.18

left: up

right: up-right

left: up-left

right: up, up (pellet)

left: up (pellet), up

right: up

left: cleanup

Level 1.19

top: up-right, down-right (pellet)

bottom: up-left, up-left (pellet), down-right

top: up-left

bottom: down-right, down

top: up-left, up (pellet)

bottom: down-left (pellet)

top: down

bottom: cleanup

Package 2

Level 2.1

up-right, up-left, up, cleanup

Level 2.2

up, up, down, up-left, up-right, cleanup

Level 2.3

up, up-right, up, up-left (pellet), up-left, up, cleanup

Level 2.4

up, up-right, up, up, down-left, cleanup

Level 2.5

up-left 3x (pellet), down-right, up-right, up, down-right, up, up (pellet), down, down-right, down, cleanup

Level 2.6

up-right, up-left, up-left, cleanup

Level 2.7

up 3x, up-left, up-left, up (pellet), down, down-right, down-right, up 3x (pellet), down, down, down-right, up-left, down-right, cleanup

Level 2.8

up 3x, down, down-left, up-left, up 3x (pellet)

down 4x onto the lower square switch

up-right, up-right, up 3x (pellet)

down 3x, down-right, up-right, cleanup

Level 2.9

up-left, up, up, up-right (pellet)

up-right, up, up, down-left (pellet)

up-left, cleanup

Level 2.10

up, up, down, all the way up

Level 2.11

up-right, up-left, down, all the way up

Level 2.12

up-left, up-right, down, up-left 3x (pellet)

down-right, down-right, up-right, up, up (pellet)

down, down, down-right, cleanup

Level 2.13

down, down, up, up-right, up-left, all the way up (pellet), all the way down

Level 2.14

up, up-side towards the open side 2x, up for the double move

over the top 3x, back (you should now be top center), forward 2x for the double move

down, down-side for the pellet, then via bottom directly to the other side for the cleanup

Level 2.15 (1 under par)

up-left, down-left, up-left (pellet)

down-right, up-right, up-right, down-right (double move), down-right, up-right (pellet)

down-left, up-left, up, up-left, up-right, up-right (pellet)

down-left, up-left, down, cleanup

(You will finish with 20/21 moves)

Level 2.16

left: up

right: up, down, up

left: up, down

right: up

left: up 3x (pellet)

right: cleanup

Level 2.17 (1 under par)

left: up

right: up, down, down

left: up, up (pellet)

right: down, down (pellet)

left: down 5x

right: up 6x (pellet)

left: cleanup

(You will finish with 20/21 moves)

Level 2.18

left: up, up-left, up (pellet)

right: up, up-right

left: up-right, cleanup

Level 2.19

left: up 3x

right: up 3x

left: up

right: up, cleanup

Package 3

Level 3.2

up-right, down-right (pellet), use locker on left side, cleanup

Level 3.3

use first locker down-left from the right pellet

move: up-right, up, up-right (pellet)

use second locker on tile up-right of remaining pellet

move: down-left, up-left, cleanup

Level 3.4

up, up (pellet)

Hexanone Mac Os Download

use first locker on tile above the left pellet

move: down, down

use second locker on bottom center tile

move for cleanup

Level 3.5

Hexanome Mac OS

use two lockers

move: up 3x

use remaining locker

move for cleanup

Level 3.6

up, up-left, up-left

use two lockers on the tiles to the left of the pellet on the right side

move: down-left (pellet), up-right, up-right

use remaining locker

move for cleanup

Level 3.7

up-right, up-right (pellet)

use first locker on your exit tile at the top

move: up, up (pellet)

use second locker on the top-most grey tile on the left

move for cleanup (top pellet first)

Level 3.8

up-left, up-left (pellet), up

use first locker on tile above the 3 dark tiles

move: up (pellet), up, up (pellet)

use second locker on top-most grey tile on the right side

move: down-right, up-right, up-right, cleanup

(ignore the double move)

Level 3.9

up, down, up, up

up-left, up, up

down-right, cleanup

Level 3.10

down-left, up, up, up-left, down-right, up, up (pellet)

down, down, up-left, down-right, down, down-right (back in the bottom center)

up-right, up, up-right, cleanup

Level 3.11

up 3x, up-right (pellet)

down-left, up 3x (pellet)

down 4x, down-left (pellet)

up-right, down 4x (pellet)

Level 3.12

up, up, up-right, up-left, up, up, down-left, down-left (pellet)

up-right, down-right, down, down-right, down-right (pellet)

up-left, down-left, down, cleanup

Level 3.13

right: up-right, up, up

left: up-right

right: up (pellet), down 3x, down-left

left: up

right: up-left, down-left, up-left

cleanup with both

Level 3.14

left: up-right, up 3x (pellet)

right: up-right, up-right

left: down

right: up, up (pellet)

left: down, down-left, down-left, up-left, cleanup

Level 3.15 (8 under par)

up-left, up-left, down-right, down-right, up 4x (pellet)

(You will finish with 8/16 moves)

Level 3.16

right: down-right, up, up-left

left: up, up

right: down-left, down

left: up, up, up-right, cleanup

Level 3.17

mid: up

left: up, up

mid: up

left: up, up, up-left

right: up 3x

left: up

right: up, up-right

mid: up

right: up

mid: up

cleanup with all three

Level 3.18

up-right, up-right, down, up-left, up-right, up-right (should now be top center)

down, up-right, down-right, down-right (pellet)

Level 3.19 (6 under par)

down 3x (pellet), up 3x, up-right, up, up, down-left, up, up (pellet)

(You will finish with 12/18 moves)

Package 4

Level 4.3

up, up-side towards the open side, up-side, down-side (pellet), then use the portal

Level 4.4

right: up, up-left, teleport, up-side towards the open side

left: up, up-right, teleport, up (double move), up-side into the other side

cleanup with both

Level 4.5

up, teleport, up, up, teleport

use blocker on remaining tile, then cleanup

Hexanone Mac Os X

Level 4.6

use first blocker on column 1

move: up 5x

use second blocker on column 2

move: teleport, up 5x

use third blocker, then cleanup

Level 4.7

use first blocker on right

move: up, up

use second blocker on left

move: teleport, up

use third blocker on right

move: teleport, up 3x (pellet), down 3x

use fourth blocker on left, then cleanup

Hexanone Mac Os Sierra

Level 4.8

up, up, down, up, down, up, teleport

up 3x (pellet), down 3x

up, down, up, down, up, down, teleport

up 3x (pellet)

Level 4.9


left: up, teleport, teleport, up, up

right: up, teleport, teleport, up, up

left: up, up (pellet)

right: up, up (pellet)

Level 4.10

up, up-left, up (pellet)

down, down-left, teleport and cleanup

Level 4.11

bottom: up-left, up-left

top: down-left, down-left, down (pellet), up, up-left, teleport, up-left

bottom: up (pellet), down, down-left, teleport, down-left

cleanup with both

Level 4.12

down 4x (pellet), up, teleport, up (pellet)

Level 4.13 (4 under par)

up, up, down, up 4x (pellet), down, up, down, teleport, up 5x (pellet)

(You will finish with 16/20 moves)

Level 14

down, down (pellet)

up, down, up, teleport, up (pellet)

down 6x (pellet)

up, teleport, up (pellet)

Level 4.15

up, down-right, down-left, up-right, up, cleanup

Level 4.16

up, down 3x, teleport, up (pellet)

Level 4.17

down-right, up-right, down-left, up-left, down-right, up-left, up 4x (pellet)

Level 4.18 (6 under par)

use blocker two tiles above (circle switch)

move: up 3x (pellet)

(You will finish with 3/9 moves)

Level 4.19

up 4x (pellet), down, down, teleport

teleport, up, up, down 3x

up, teleport

all remaining moves are forced

Get Distracted

To unlock the hidden achievement go to the title screen of the game. Now move the triangle up all the way until it eats a square pellet.

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