The Other Half (itch) Mac OS

And speaking of, the Mac OS version would be available only on the 64. Devlog ( Edition) - As the postponed exams arrive, I finished almost half. Frantic couch multiplayer action.

  • 1other half

    Bring your other half next time you come. — В следующий раз приходи со своей половиной.

    Англо-русский современный словарь >other half

  • 2other half

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >other half

См. также в других словарях:

  • other half — index alter ego Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

  • other half — noun singular HUMOROUS someone s husband, wife, or partner … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • other half — ► NOUN Brit. informal ▪ one s wife, husband, or partner … English terms dictionary

  • other half — noun 1. : a segment of the population radically different economically and often socially from that to which one belongs or with which a context is associated see how the other half lives especially : proletariat 2. : spouse * * * noun [singular] … Useful english dictionary

  • other half — (someone s) better/other half old fashioned someone s husband or wife or the person with whom they have a romantic relationship. I should think 3.30 on Wednesday will be fine but I d better check with my other half … New idioms dictionary

  • other half — 1. the people of an economic class clearly different from one s own or from that to which reference is being made: a glimpse of how the other half lives. 2. Informal. one s spouse. * * * … Universalium

  • other half — noun a spouse … Wiktionary

  • How the Other Half Lives — [ Jacob Riis, New York, 1888 ] How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York (1890) was a pioneering work of photojournalism by Jacob Riis, documenting the squalid living conditions in New York City slums in the 1880s. It… … Wikipedia

  • one half of the world does not know how the other half lives — Cf. 1532 RABELAIS Pantagruel II. xxxii. la moytié du monde ne sçait comment l’autre vit, one half of the world knows not how the other lives. 1607 J. HALL Holy Observations xvii. One half of the world knowes not how the other liues: and therefore … Proverbs new dictionary

  • The Other Half — can refer to: Other Half (album), a 2007 album from Mandy Chiang. The Other Half (game show), a BBC television game show. The Other Half (TV series), an American day time talk show. The Other Half (1919 film), a film directed by King Vidor. The… … Wikipedia

  • The Other Half of the Sky: A China Memoir — Directed by Shirley MacLaine Claudia Weill Produced by Shirley MacLaine Written by Shirley MacLaine Narrated … Wikipedia


  • The Crushed Flower And Other Stories, Leonid Andreyev. But that same evening, and perhaps it was another evening, he noticed his father crying. It happened in the following way: He was passing his father's study, and the door was half open; he… ПодробнееКупить за 1314 руб
  • Half Hours, J. M. Barrie. 1914. Sir James Matthew, Baronet Barrie a Scottish journalist, playwright, and children's book writer who became world famous with his play and story about Peter Pan, the boy who lived in… ПодробнееКупить за 1308 руб
  • The Songs of the South: An Ancient Chinise Antology of Poems by Qu Yuan and Other Poets, . Chu ci (The Songs of the South) and its northern counterpart, Shi jing, are the two great ancestors of Chinese poetry and contain all we know of its ancient beginnings. The Songs of the South… ПодробнееКупить за 949 руб
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Lord Manners was a rich and famous banker. When he (die), he (give) a magnificent funeral which (attend) by hundreds of famous people. The funeral was going to (hold) in Westminster Abbey. Many ordinary people (line) the streets to watch the procession. The wonderful black and gold carriage (draw) by 6 black horses. The mourners (follow) in silence. Lord Manners (give) a royal farewell. Two tramps were among the crowd, they (watch) the procession. As solemn music (can/hear) in the distance, one of them (turn) to the other and (whisper) in admiration: “Now, that’s what I call really living!”

Exercise 76. Open the brackets. Use the necessary tenses in the Passive Voice.

1.The living-room (sweep), (mop) and dust. It is clean now. 2. We (tell) to wait because the man (question) in the room. 3. If any one comes in you (find) looking through his papers. 4. For the first two minutes he (occupy) with eating; then as his appetite (quiet), he took his time. 5. Why nothing (do) about it at the time? 6. You can’t go in. She (interview) for the TV. 7. She promised that nothing (do) till he came back. 8. I had a most unpleasant feeling that I (watch). 9. She looked a different girl. Her face (wash), her hair (comb). All traces of teas (remove). 10. We could still see the tracks where the car (drag) off the road.

Exercise 77. Translate into English using active or passive.

1. Мы используем этот материал для нашей работы. 2. Этот материал используется для нашей работы. 3. Они делают эту работу каждый день. 4. Эта работа делается каждый день. 5. Мы послали эти документы вчера. 6. Эти документы были посланы вчера. 7. Когда вы получили этот товар? 8. Когда был получен этот товар? 9. Когда вы подпишете это соглашение? 10. Когда это соглашение будет подписано? 11. Мы пошлем эти товары самолетом. 12. Эти товары будут посланы самолетом. 13. Что они грузят сейчас? 14. Что сейчас грузится? 15. Мы обсуждали этот вопрос, когда он пришел. 16. Когда он пришел, этот вопрос обсуждался. 17. Мы только что получили почту. 18. Почту только что получили. 19. Мы уже подписали соглашение, когда он пришел. 20. Когда он пришел, соглашение уже подписали. 21. Мы уже закончили работу к шести часам. 22. К шести часам работу уже закончили. 23. Когда был построен этот вокзал? — Он был построен в 1958 году. 24. Когда будет издана эта книга? 25. Меня спрашивали об этом несколько дней назад. 26. В этом журнале часто печатают интересные рассказы. 27. Эта статья была недавно переведена на русский язык.

Exercise 78. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form in the Active or in the Passive.

1.Each of the children (receive) a due share of Mrs. Gerhardt’s attention. The little baby closely (look) after by her. 2. From the click of dishes one could tell the supper (prepare). 3. The front door of his house (unlock) as he (leave) it. 4. Mrs. Flipp (come) to inform her that dinner already (serve). 5. His phrase (greet) by a strange laugh from a student who (sit) near the wall. 6. A note (bring) in, addressed to Eleanor, and (put) on the table to await her. 7. When the door (close), old Jolyon (drop) his paper, and stare long and anxiously in front of him. 8. To his knowing eyes the scene below easily (explain). 9. The door (shut) behind him. 10. Finally, his name (call), and the boy (push) forward to her. 11. Finally he (persuade) by Bass to go away. 12. But when autumn (come) the cows (drive) home from the grass. 13. At lunch nothing (discuss) but the latest news. 14. “Will you work on this new job all your life?” The question (ask) with sincere interest. 15. She (tap) on the door. John (open) it. 16. Look! There’s nothing here. Everything (take) away.

Exercise 79. Use the required Passive forms.

1. The reception was all that (to expect). When we arrived we (to show) into some kind of hall where we (to detain) with the rest of the actors. Apparently we (not to allow) yet to mingle with the other crowd. As the guests assembled in the room, it was plain to me that they (to choose) carefully. Looking around, I recognized Antony Blanche. He (to point) out to me often in the streets. I (to interrupt) in my observation by a woman reporter whom the manager had led up to me. I (to warn) against the dangers of (to interview) by strangers. As we (to introduce) I made up my mind to avoid it at any cost.

2. It was Saturday night and Pete sat watching TV. People (to kill) for an hour on the screen. Policemen (to shoot) in the line of duty, gangsters (to throw) off roofs, and an elderly lady slowly (to poison) for her pearls, and her murderer (to bring) to justice by a cigarette company after long discussions which (to hold) in the office of a private detective. Villians holding guns (to leap) at brave, unarmed actors, and ingenues (to save) from deaths by the quick-thinking young maThe Conolly children (to find) lurking under the seats of a carriage when the train (to empty). They (to drag) out and (to stand) on the platform. Since they could not (to leave) there, they (to include) in the party that (to send) by bus to the village. From that moment their destiny for ever (to involve) with that of the village. Nothing ever (to discover) about the children’s parents.

3. Bridgehampton. Friday. A disastrous fire broke out on the top floor of the Grand Hotel, Washington Road, in the small hours of the morning.

The alarm (to give) by the night porter. His attention (to draw) to smoke issuing from one of the top floor windows by a group of young people who were returning late from a dance.

Within five minutes the town Fire Bridge was on the spot. The work of fighting the fire, and evacuating the guests seriously (to hamper) by the non-operation of the lifts. It (to believe) that the fire (to cause) by a short circuit in the lift machinery and had extended to the whole floor before it (to observe). The flames (to bring) under control in two hours. Two of the guests staying at the hotel lost their lives. They (to trap) in their rooms and evidently (to overcome) by fumes before the rescuers could reach them. A third guest (to take) to hospital with multiple burns. His condition (to report) as being serious.

Exercise 80. Translate into English giving two variants where possible.

1. Мне рассказали вчера очень интересную историю. 2. Нам обещали очень интересную книгу. 3. Ей предложили чашку чая. 4. Ему платят два раза в месяц. 5. Нам покажут сегодня несколько новых журналов. 6. В этой школе детям преподают английский и немецкий язык. 7. Нам дали пригласительные билеты на этот спектакль. 8. Мальчику обещали хороший подарок. 9. Ему предложили билеты на концерт, но он отказался. 10. Ему рассказали эту новость вчера. 11. Ему показали дорогу на станцию. 12. Нам говорили об этом несколько недель назад.

Exercise 81. Translate into English.

1. Где сейчас конструируют этот прибор? 2. Как долго конструируется этот прибор? 3. Где конструируются такие приборы? 4. Когда будет сконструирован этот прибор? 5. Кто сконструировал этот прибор? 6. Чей фортепьянный концерт сейчас исполняется? 7. Кем будет сыгран этот концерт на открытии фестиваля? 8. Интересно, сколько раз уже исполнялся этот концерт в этом месяце? 9. Скажите, когда этот концерт исполнялся в первый раз? 10. В который раз уже обсуждается этот вопрос? 11. Часто у вас обсуждаются подобные вопросы? 12. Давно уже этот вопрос обсуждается? 13. Обсуждали этот вопрос где-нибудь до того, как он был передан в комитет? 14. Что будет обсуждаться завтра на собрании? 15. Где будут заказаны эти машины? 16. Эти машины были заказаны в Англии. 17. Будет ли эта книга переведена на английский язык?

The Other Half (itch) Mac Os 7

Exercise 82. Use the required active or passive tense forms.

1. I once (to know) a village teacher who (to be) partially blind. He (to deprive) of one eye as the result of infection. His blind eye (to take) out, and a glass one (to insert) in its socket insteaOne day the teacher (to need) to leave his class of small children alone for half an hour or so. But he (to hold) back by one consideration. The children of the class (to be) really unruly. He (to know) that if they (to leave) alone for any length of time they (to become) violent and complaints (to make) by their parents.

Suddenly he (to strike) by an idea. In a moment his glass eye (to take) out of its socket, and (to place) on the table.

“Now, children”, he said, “I (to go) out for a few minutes but you (to observe) all the time by my eye. If anything (to do) which (not to approve) by me it (to see) by my eye, and the child (to punish) when I (to return).

The children (to impress) very much, and the teacher (to go) off.

But when he (to return) an hour later it (to seem) that a hurricane (to pass) through the classroom. The teacher (to astound). “Evidently”, he thought,”I (outwit). I wonder how”.

The Other Half (itch) Mac Os Download

In the classroom the tables (to overturn), the walls (to spatter) with ink from ink-bombs which (to throw) during the battle which still (to fight) out as a manifestation of high spirits. In fact, a good time (to have) by all.

The teacher (to wonder) why the presence of his glass eye (not to respect). He (to look) round for it and (to see) that it (to cover) by a hat.

2. At the last glow of sunset, they (to board) the aeroplane in inverse order of seniority beginning with the sergeant and ending with General Spitz. The plane they (to provide) with was luxurious for the wartime. It (to fit) with seats. Little lights (to glow) along the roof. Soon the doors (to shut). The lights (to go) out. It (to be) now completely dark. What once (to be) windows (to paint) out. The roar of the engine (to impose) silence on the party. Dan, who (to put) himself next to the cockpit, (to long) for a forbidden cigarette and (to try) to compose himself for sleep, though it (to be) far from his normal bedtime. He (to wear) the same shirt all day without a chance of changing. In the hot afternoon it (to be) damp with sweat. Now in the chill upper air it (to cling) to him and (to set) him shivering. It (not to occur) to him to bring his greatcoat. It (to be) an unsatisfactory day. He (to wander) about the streets of the old town with the Lieutenant. They (to lunch) at the club and (to order) to report at the airfield two hours before they (to need). He (not to dine) and (to see) no hope of doing so. He (to sit) in black boredom and discomfort until, after an hour, sleep (to come)

The Other Half (itch) Mac Os Sierra

Exercise 83. Read this letter from Maurice, who is on holiday in Britain, to his sister Sally in New Zealand. Put the verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive.

Dear Sally,

How are you? We’ve been having a lovely time. We (look after) well by our hosts. We (take) sightseeing and we (introduce) to some of their friends, who (make) us feel very welcome. Last night we (show) round a castle, by the owner! Most of the land in this area (belong) to his family for about five hundred years. Apparently, the land (give) to them after one of his ancestors (kill) while trying to save the king’s life. Quite romantic, isn’t it?

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The Other Half (itch) Mac Os Catalina

The castle itself was a little bit disappointing, to be absolutely honest. The owner told us that it (suffer) serious damage during a fire about thirty years ago. When it (restore) they (add) central heating and things like that. So once you’re inside it (not feel) much different to any other large, old house. But the owner is a real character. He told us lots of stories about things that (happen) to him when he was young. He (send) abroad to work in a bank, but he hated it, so he (behave) very badly in order to (sack). He kept us laughing for hours. I hope he (invite) here before we leave.

I'll have lots more to tell you when we get back. Take care.

Yours affectionately,


Exercise 84. Open the brackets.